
About SMI and Nanobubble Technology

Embark on a journey into the expansive realm of nanobubbles, where innovation meets versatility across numerous industries. Our patented Nanobubble Machine, a beacon of cutting-edge technology, sets the gold standard in nanobubble innovation.

Engineered for efficiency, this compact powerhouse boasts a water suction rate of 4200 litres per hour, effortlessly meeting varied needs. Weighing only 25 kilograms, it stands as the ultimate solution for top-tier nanobubble generation.

Beyond performance, our machine excels in environmental remediation, showcasing our commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly solutions.

Ranging from 30 to 90 nanometers, it crafts the smallest nanobubbles, ensuring unparalleled quality. Its submersible system blankets large areas, offering adaptability across diverse operations.

At the forefront of nanobubble technology, we redefine standards and deliver solutions that make waves. Welcome to the future of innovation with our leading-edge Nanobubble Machine.

Dr. Mitsuaki Sugie

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CEO, SMI Inc., Japan
Chairman, Dennysworld Inc., Japan
Chief Scientist and Patent Owner of Nanobubble Machine

Meet Dr. Mitsuaki Sugie, the visionary inventor of the Nanobubble Machine and CEO of SMI Inc., Japan. Despite facing kidney disease challenges leading to regular dialysis since 2014, his journey has become a mission to share Japan's innovative technologies worldwide. Under his guidance, SMI Inc. revolutionized water purification with the Nanobubble Machine, producing nanobubbles from 30 to 90 nanometers.

Dr Sugie's vision extends to global peace through prosperity, collaborating with Dennysworld founder Denny Thomas, whom he considers an eternal brother. Together, they unite organizations and corporations, harnessing technology for a cleaner, greener world. By harnessing advanced technologies, they aim to create a world that not only survives but thrives through a transformative journey towards global peace through prosperity.

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Message from Dr. Mitsuaki Sugie

Dear World,
I am determined to bring my Nanobubble technology to the world as a potential solution for safe drinking water, because I myself have been suffering from chronic kidney problems that made me completely dependent on alternate days' dialysis for survival. I have recognized the widespread issue of kidney problems caused by contaminated and polluted water. By harnessing the power of nanobubbles, this innovative technology aims to purify and improve the quality of water, offering hope to individuals suffering from chronic diseases like kidney problems caused by water contamination.

It is with great privilege and honour that we join forces with Mr. Denny Thomas, the visionary founder of Dennysworld Inc. whose life mission is a profound responsibility bestowed upon us to hand over a healthy environment to our future generations.

Together, let us embark on a mission to create a lasting legacy of environmental restoration. Our collective efforts will illuminate the path, toward a better tomorrow-a healthy future with safe drinking water for all.

Denny Thomas

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CED, SMI Inc., Japan
President, Dennysworld Inc., Japan

Denny Thomas, a distinguished Global Peace Ambassador, is renowned for his significant contributions to world peace, spirituality, and sustainable living. Denny's journey combines business pursuits and social work, championing positive change in society. As the President of Dennysworld(a symbolic representation of an ideal world which can be realized through peace, social justice, physical & mental wellness, prosperity and happiness for one and all.) and Chief Executive Director of SMI Inc., Japan, he collaborates with global entities for environmental restoration. Recognized as The Global Peace Ambassador, his vision, aligned with "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam," fosters global harmony and inspires a united world—a Pangaea of serenity. Together with Mitsuaki he aims to introduce innovative ground-breaking technologies for the betterment of the world.

As the President of Dennysworld(a symbolic representation of an ideal world which can be realized through peace, social justice, physical & mental wellness, prosperity and happiness for one and all.) and Chief Executive Director of SMI Inc., Japan, he collaborates with global entities for environmental restoration. Recognized as The Global Peace Ambassador, his vision, aligned with "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam," fosters global harmony and inspires a united world—a Pangaea of serenity. Together with Mitsuaki he aims to introduce innovative ground-breaking technologies for the betterment of the world.

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Message from Denny

In the spirit of our shared destiny, Dennysworld extends a heartfelt invitation to join us in a collective endeavour for a sustainable, harmonious world. Our vision transcends boundaries, aiming for socio-economic justice, religious harmony, and environmental reformation grounded in wisdom and tolerance through the sharing of innovative ground-breaking global technologies.

Our belief is rooted in the profound truth that "World Is One Family" and we aspire, towards the realization of "Peace for Pangaea." These principles guide our commitment to fostering a planet where nature and humanity coexist, promoting a life of health and abundance for all.

We invite you to join your prayers and actions with ours. Let us unite in the pursuit of a better world, contributing to environmental restoration and global well-being. Together, we can create a future where we thrive in peace as one global family.