Reduced Coliforms


Reduced Coliforms & Increased ORP

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Nanobubble technology is revolutionizing aquaculture by addressing challenges like anoxia and microbial contamination. These tiny bubbles significantly enhance dissolved oxygen levels, particularly in the lower basin layers, creating a healthier environment. The positive shift in oxidation-reduction potential discourages sulfide-related odors.

Microbial testing demonstrated a significant reduction in both E. coli and total coliforms. This application of nanobubble technology showcases its versatility and effectiveness in enhancing water quality and addressing common issues in stormwater systems.

Furthermore, the application of nanobubble technology in aquaculture has shown promising results in promoting fish growth and overall productivity. The increased oxygen levels and improved water quality contribute to optimal conditions for fish metabolism and immune function. This innovative approach not only mitigates environmental challenges but also boosts the economic viability of aquaculture operations.